the interintellect is a cozy campfire of internet friends

I feel like I ought to put together some notes on the Interintellect, or “the ii”, so here we go!

The Interintellect is a diverse international community of people who love sharing and discussing ideas. (I like to call it “the ii”, I think it’s cute how the two i’s look like two people next to each other.)

I personally try to host ii salons myself about once a month if I can – here’s my host page: inter

ii salons are paid zoom discussions that go on for ~3 hours, sometimes even longer. They are recurrently the highlight of my months – lots of joyous, heartfelt, intimate conversation that leaves me feeling enriched, understood, seen.

Anna (the ii’s founder) and I became friends when we both visited San Francisco at the same time in April/May 2019. I think we were both delighted to find someone else who looks so different than yourself, with completely different life experience, who nonetheless had such deeply shared convictions and values.

I did some Q&A for the ii’s medium blog, and I think more interestingly I did the first episode of the ii hostcast together with Anna to talk about the origins of the ii. I also now make it a point to record zoom calls chatting casually with other ii hosts, which you can check out here:

to be updated