emotional knottedness

you’re unlikely to be less tired tomorrow if your tiredness is actually emotional knottedness, which requires dynamic action rather than rest

sometimes what you need is “strength training”


via (archives/junkyard-of-vague-intentions) “knottedness // It’s probably true that I might’ve benefited from a break, but I didn’t want to do that, either. Ideas about emotional knottedness come to mind. When you have a knot in a muscle, simply resting doesn’t bring relief. You have to get into the knot somehow. You need to do something dynamic to release the tension. Lying in bed all day can actually make it worse. Similarly, I believe that emotional knottedness, or creative knottedness, often needs some kind of dynamic solution. I needed to write my way out. And I think I’m halfway through that process right now.

I just did a search for “emotional knottedness” on my twitter, and a click here and there and I found myself back in 2021, when I was knotted about Introspect, the book I was working on at the time. And here the startling insight is that facing the truth of the matter is something that provides relief.

There are many different things that I want to do, and it can be tricksy to tease apart what are the things that arise from my body, my heart, my emotional felt sense, and what are the things that my conscious thinky-talky authoritarian mind has imposed top-down. But navigating by surprise and delight seems to be the correct approach.”


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