stuff on my mind

I’m going to rid myself of all the loose baggage from the corners of my mind now- it might be a little messy and a little excessive, but then I’m going to forget about everything and start fresh.

1) I don’t know anything about Nanyang JC, and I’m going there. I don’t know what to expect really, but I’m quite looking forward to meeting people I’ve never meet before. I’m a little bummed that I’m not going to SAJC or CJC because I’m thinking their orientations would be more fun, but I’m guessing it might be better if I want to try to concentrate on getting work done (for the first time in my life). Still, I hope some of you Nanyang people are cool.

2) I know that holidays are the times meant to be spent not doing anything very productive, but I still wish I had done more with mine. I did complete GTA3, Vice City and Red Alert in a very short time frame and am presently going through Starcraft, which is like this nostalgia thing for me. So it made me a little happy.

But still! I could have used much of the random time getting fitter, becoming a better musician or spent it with my girlfriend. So in a way, I feel like I’ve cheated myself of getting things done. But I am going to accept that holidays are a time to cheat yourself, to which I can say Mission Accomplished. =D

3) After training with the SAJC basketball team just once, it’s startled me as to how unfit I become. For those of you who don’t know the story, halfway through I had to excuse myself to go out of the hall for a puke. It’s disgusting (my lack of fitness, not so much the puke). My shoulders are at the narrowest and I am at the skinniest I’ve been in the past 4 years.

It’s quite funny to realise that I looked and felt more imposing in Sec 2 than I do now (positive difference being I’m alot more secure and confident now, so it’s about the same). Still, I miss having nice broad shoulders. People just look and treat you a little differently. It’s true. And I miss that.

4) I want to advance faster with my band. I know we should take it slow and steady and let things fall into place with practice and time, but it’s so frustrating when you know you’re holding so much potential in your hands and it’s just not being used. But then and again, it’s one of those things where if one of us feels that another one of us is frustrated, then we all can’t quite move along as well.

It’s annoying to realise it but the less you care about it the faster you move along. It’s the same whether you’re talking about a relationship, your performance in a sport or as an artiste, anything at all really. So this is a reminder to myself, and the advice I would give somebody in my shoes- stop taking it so seriously and just go out and have fun, and things will move the way you want it to. Sitting down and trying to analyse what’s going wrong is what’s going wrong in the first place. Enjoy the road instead of wondering if it’s the right one. We’re still young, we can still do detours or turn back, and the company is just so fucking awesome.

Did I mention that I love my band? I love my band. =)

5) That’s about it really. Load off the shoulders. I’m off to go watch a movie with some old friends and have some life going on. =D

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