
So two weeks left to school and the new year!

Secondary school is finally over and I’m halfway through being 16, the age at which I promised myself that I would get over most of my immaturities and flaws. And I think I didn’t do everything I wanted, but I think I made a good start. What do you guys think?

Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn’t really matter lah. I’m having fun, I’m feeling good, I’m making new friends, and actually enjoying myself after adapting to the change in philosophy.

I might be still struggling a little bit with new commitments (and actually committing to my commitments, which is a first, really), but it’s really nice to have people’s respect and trust for a change.

Maybe I’m growing up, maybe I’m not, but I’m having fun. Enjoy the new year!

One thought on “updates

  1. disordersarefun

    wait till next year. you’ll feel yourself grow at such an alarming rate you’ll wonder one day what on earth just passed you by. at least, that’s how this year’s been for me.

    good luck at ny. (: