lsd quotes

LSD quotes “Psychedelics […] dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and informa

make friends

— 1 — You can spend years arguing with idiots, or you can spend years making friends. The idiots aren’t going to be


I saw a picture of “Bay Area Memespace“, and for some reason I felt compelled to put together my own “@visak

2019 twitter

January strategy/marketing/biz/career stuff: sermon: play the long game theory about loving your own writing the best content

Relationships are challenging + a lot of work

Preamble: Hello everyone! This post has been getting shared a little bit, so I thought it might be worth taking some time to p

‘Smart Writing’ is about cultivating taste, suspending judgement and chasing your curiosity

I saw someone tweet “I wish smart writing came to me as easily as dumb tweeting” — and so I am here to share my strategy

The public is insufficiently educated on how to be a good public

The public is insufficiently educated on how to be a good public. I think this is civilisation-specific (ie not an issue for e


📱 media / internet best tech reads  what do you h

salaryman suspicions

my 6-month hiatus from salaryman life has confirmed a lot of my suspicions about myself there are many layers to this I was wo

hire me (2018)

Hire me (Check 2019 notebook for more details) What I can do for you Speaking engagements I have emceed several weddings, co-w

flirting is about signalling interest with plausible deniability

What I tell my nephews: flirting is basically this – give moderately strong signals of interest with plausible deniabili

We need to get better at dealing with assholes if we are to progress as a species

— 1 — As I get older I feel this subtle-but-strong pressure to become more “professional” – more “civil”, mo


Friends from abroad often ask me for suggested readings re: Lee Kuan Yew. I recommend starting by reading The Art Of Charlie C

writer master plan

Oct: Writer Master Plan I’ve been doing some soul-searching and I’ve concluded that the one thing I want to do wit

rationalbros are mainly interested in scoring points in the rationalbro game

This is a collection of notes and tweets I have about the times I’ve used the phrase “rationalbro”. I may so

#StrugglePorn – is it painting a false picture?

good conversation started here with Nat & Gary I’m not personally a fan of Gary’s overall brand, but I appreci


I’ve somehow found myself in an interesting position of getting to be the only Singaporean in a room full of foreigners

my life in pictures

This post exists to help me, at a glance, get a sense of my own life over the years. 1990 – 1996 1998 2001 2003 2004 2006 20

The Statement / JIBABOM! story, so far

Statement is a t-shirt company that we started in 2011. I posted some ideas on Facebook, and they were pretty well-r

I used to be a picky eater

I saw somebody make fun of picky eaters on Twitter, and I felt compelled to write about my own experiences. I was like this my

men can and should creature nurturing spaces for each other

My wife pointed out to me recently that there are so few spaces for men to gather and talk about their feelings. We could crea

our metaphors for god adapt to keep up with our technology

Most of us inherit an idea of God as a “world craftsman”. If you think about it, this idea could not predate craft

minorities have to be extra-sensitive

(these were thoughts in response to Sarah Jeong being called out for being racist towards white men) I think one of the rules

women’s perspectives are criminally underrepresented

As I get older and hear more about women’s experiences, it gets clearer and clearer to me that movies and TV are dominat

mansplaining is sometimes (but not always) innocuous

If I had to do a “the difference between men and women” type of standup set, I think I would focus on the phenomenon of ma

many women want to have sex

my wife was telling me something interesting about an all-women FB group she was in women very often want to have sex with men

menworld: a way of considering the patriarchy

(Clarification: for the whole of this thread, when I say Men, I’m referring to the subset of straight men who live &

“I only like Chinese girls”

There is some nuance in the space between having a preference and articulating it. Lots of dudes are utterly incapable of walk


I thought it would be interesting to make a list of notable events where I’ve spoken at. I’ve emceed 2 weddings. I

Breakfast AMAs

Every so often I have breakfast alone, and I ask Twitter to ask me questions. I enjoy it a lot – I find it to be a great way

Punching nazis is probably good, but never be gleeful about violence

There was a period of time where people on Twitter seemed very gleeful about punching Nazis, and the idea of punching Nazis.&n

cultural cosplay: a broader framework for thinking about cultural appropriation

I’ve never quite been satisfied with the overuse of the phrase “cultural appropriation” in all sorts of cont

Talking about cultural things means getting things wrong.

I think cultural things are the most interesting things but they’re also the hardest to talk about with other people A b

different people have different mental models

People typically have high-res models of their own lives and lower-res models of other people’s. We are all born clueless wi

People are tired, and this leads to suboptimal outcomes on many fronts

A thing I didn’t appreciate as a kid, but understand better now, is why so much of the world is suboptimal – it’s no

do you know what you want?

What do you want? Do you really want what you think you want, or did you inherit it from your parents, your peers, from societ

lessons from reflections

2006 sigh im back, may 07 the thoughts that inspired \(n_n)/, Oct ’07 What makes a show? Oct 07 performer’s insecurity, no

Attempting A Reading Into Indian History

What is India? What is Indian? I like to start with words. The name India is derived from Indus, from the Old Persion word Hin


How electricity works We live in an electric world – lightning is electricity, electric currents run through our bodies. ele

Why I stopped blogging in 2013, I think

Before I start with this, I want to take a moment to summarize a 2014 blogpost, “Why should we blog?“ It allows fo

Books I’d like to talk about

I used to have a really old version of this blogpost that was tattered and patchy, until eventually I got sick of it and decid

Narcissist PR works because we can’t shut up about it

WIP I tweeted a more cautious version of this blogpost in July, and it’s been on my mind so I wanted to take some time t

Most people over-tolerate assholes, which lets them get away with it

[Original thread] As I get older I feel this subtle-but-strong pressure to become more “professional” – more “civi


I remember when I was a young child – maybe five or six years old – when I first watched WWE on TV. (At the time it was ca

Hypothesis: people with uncommon names are likelier to develop uncommon identities

Here’s a nominative determinism flavored hypothesis: I believe that people with uncommon names are likelier to develop u

Helm Of The Arse Gods

Oddball confession: one of my first life-shaping experiences on the Internet was lying on a video game forum (Darkstone, Delph

Bangkok [2013]

India [2016]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

dan dennett

Dan Dennett Notes

russell barker

russell barker add – do I want to do a blogpost about this? yes Revisit his videos… Russell Barker Executive function self

Why do we want to become productive members of society?

I’ve had a few different interesting conversations with a few different people. One friend said, when she was asked to a

Naughty Boy

Naughty Boy: Under-table Scribblings Of A Recalcitrant Joker is a collection of poems by blogger and entrepreneur Visakan Veer


This blogpost started out as a bunch of notes and links, and I found myself sharing it with people over and over again so much

Education is about lighting fires

My teachers recognized that I lacked internal motivation, but they never really addressed it. _

day 4 of free agent life

2018 Jul3 – Day 4 of free agent life:  I went to bed at about 230am last night. I was somewhat disappointed in mys

what i look for in a writer

in a marketing context signals I like – using a domain rather than gmail. but of course, totally understandable if someone

ecommerce growth plans

(abandoned draft) Last week, I wrote about my own journey as an ecommerce retailer and how we built our business from cringe-i

sheryl sandberg 2012 HBS speech

sheryl sandberg 2012 HBS speech Full transcript

baidu eric xu talk

notes i took a long time ago from some talk he gave Introduction / Story Defining a successful startup Equity structure Founde

The Absurdity Of Modern Civilization, A Prison-Zoo Of Our Nightmares and Fantasies

– 1 – To be born into modern human civilization is both a great privilege (for the safety and opportunities it provides) a

Being Smart vs Being Kind

Originally written in July 2017, over at @1000wordvomits. When I was a child, I was told that I was smart. I wasn’t great at

Inner Newsfeed

I’ve been thinking about this concept for a while. Discussed it with a couple of online friends: Just think of your own

stop “confessing your feelings”, women are not confessional booths

  "Can I know you?" "Will you be my friend?" "I think I've fallen in love with you" are

Radical Candor

I find myself referencing Radical Candor in many conversations over and over again. It’s a very powerful, simple and use

saas marketing struggles

Brief: what should a saas marketer be prepared for? A window into the experiences (good/bad) that you’ve had as a market

One Must Imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing

Life, particularly in modern civilization, is an absurd circus. We’re all clowns living in boxes trying to amuse ourselves w


This is a test post that I might use to list out all the posts on I’m wondering if might be a

Tribe, by Sebastian Junger

original thread This book grew out of this 2015 Vanity Fair article about soldiers and PTSD Junger grew up in a Boston suburb.

echo chambers are inescapable; the challenge is to design good ones

It's interesting to witness how people throw the term "echo chamber" around to criticize others who are careful

It’s my fault and that’s a good thing

(notes for a future essay about self-blame, responsibility, the concept of fault) A long term tension in my life: I don't

a system can only be improved at its tightest bottleneck

I’ve been thinking a lot about Tiago Forte’s point about bottlenecks – that the only meaningful improvement you

Skinwalkers: mass shootings are nihilistic acts of disaffiliation

(Writing this post because I’m cleaning out my bookmarks in one-tab and realizing that I’ve mentioned Skinwalkers

we turn our lives into mostly-predictable sitcoms

(The following is from a conversation with a friend, after an acquaintance told us about feeling suicidal) it’s interesting

I have to articulate my fears so I can defeat them

I have two big fears that are holding me back in life 1 is a fear of daily reviews 2 is a fear of scheduling in both cases, it

timing like a state

We have colonized time just the way we have colonized space – and our wild, natural rhythms are in a sense contained and imp

there are no trusted adults, you have to supernanny yourself

The following is a cleaned up transcript of a conversation I had with an older friend in 2015 Visabot: I hate that I keep gett

stress log: identify the root causes and address them

2018-feb-24: i was feeling super chill after a really slow, luxurious shower, trim beard, etc. then sat in my chair to start d

Bestof 2018

todo: search twitter for “from:visakanv 2018” FB Jan happy new year I want to go to the moon (hilarious) trippy gl

sexual objectification – “the standards don’t apply equally”, because the costs are unequal

I would say that this IS objectification, but the context we live in dictates that men are affected differently by objectifica

Krabi [2017]

Twitter thread of pics – Day 1 – Day 1 – was sleep deprived – didn’t sleep all night. flight was relatively short, p

My National Service Experience

Wrote this a few years ago. While I was still in NS. Around Dec 2011. I still remember when I went for my medical check-up a f

surviving in jailworld requires some complicity; dismantling it will take lifetimes

Notes from a conversation about Oprah and Neoliberalism: yeah so there are multiple things going on at the same time, and peop

to sleep earlier I need to fix my poverty mindset

I had a post called “next“, and in that post I concluded that I should write how-to guides to myself. At the top o

Bestof 2017

FB Jan Emotional labor thread and discussion “Was 2016 dangerous for celebrities?” – clever use of Wiki article

a set of notes about storytelling

Storytelling Heft? (2022/2023) fiction should slap you in the face and kick you in the gut and spit in your mouth otherwise wh

sinister connotations allow people to be assholes with plausible deniability

I like words. It’s a big part of why I’m a writer. I like everything about them. Here are some interesting things

Remind me later

I think a lot about the passage of time. About how the past and future each have histories of their own. The sun used to revol

Listen to your “naggy” wife

Written as a Facebook comment on February 22nd. Today’s coffee thoughts shall be about this. My wife is my best friend a

there are several kinds of happiness, so be precise about what you’re pursuing

Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology 3 kinds of happiness pleasure home warddrobe commute workspace dates food

jamming studios

The first jamming studio that was a significant part of my life was some dingy place in Clarke Quay. I don’t remember the na

train station

Train Man, what a long day it had been. So many terribly written emails to respond to. So many arrows to siam. Another day. No


startup bullshit Just shipped some stuff for work, so I thought I'd take a second to explore some thoughts that have been

smartphones and other linguistic legacies

Language is full of interesting legacy issues. The pocket supercomputer I'm writing this on isn't really a "phone


I love this comic by Kevin Simler of Melting Asphalt: Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the


Sometimes I get a little worn out by the friction of everyday life.  In these times, it helps to have things to return to in

The utility of art (includes escape from myopic utilitarianism)

It’s often difficult to have a conversation about art because we’re almost always talking past each other. I once

I’m constantly fascinated by teenagers – shifty, anxious halflings figuring life out

locust-style social effect I’m on a train. It’s 218pm, I’m on the east-west line on the way to Buona Vista. There’s a

Singapore Skyline

I want to write a quick blogpost about the Singapore skyline. I’m not an architect, or architecture student, or even any

Marina Bay Sands is Singapore’s Schelling Point

What’s Singapore’s single most identifiable landmark? It’s changed over the years, and that’s the subj

Mariamman Temple and Capital Tower

The oldest Hindu temple in Singapore is Sri Mariamman Temple. It was founded in 1827 by Naraina Pillai, eight years after the