blog overview 2023

I feel compelled to go to the start of my blog and start commenting on it. Visa Reacts to his own blog. (this is a janky mess)

This blog has been through many iterations over the years. It had precursors on dx and livejournal before starting over on wordpress, and then migrating to a self-hosted wordpress. I may have archived or deleted some older posts. It looks like I attempted something of an overview in 2014… whatever let’s dive into it.

So the oldest post is /gifted/,

then we have /mbti/, which in hindsight is really a post about perspectives, framing, lenses, ways of seeing. each new way of seeing is initially world-expanding, but if you’re not careful it eventually becomes a new set of blinders.

first day of work 2013…

travelling cebu 2015… moved to archives

/passion/ – i’m an etymology nerd, what do you suffer for? eve ensler, derrick c brown’s instead of killing yourself

/tv/ and /movies/, messy documents




/education-2/ – this is a good memoir/backstory/podcasty post, this feels like an important memoir post to follow /starting-work/

/jc-advice/ – maybe a bit dated, but “advice for young people” seems to be a recurring trope isn’t it

/heat-death/, /sisyphus/, i now think of these as upstream of the ayy lmao meme.

/politics-and-the-english-language/, just great reference material re: orwell. i should connect it to my thread about orwell-russell language

mean girls essay…

/mindfuck/, youtube essay in the making

/jetpacks/ information overload… relevant to bricks idea, hypercards

/arguments/ – strive to understand context

/dont-jump/ β†’ optimize for survival

reality β†’ archives

/cultural-appropriation/, /unlearn/, /plans/, /mvp/ /safe-spaces/, β†’ archives

threads for archives: “project insecurities”, getting inside ooda loops, stainless steel, two parts to coolness, interestingness and social game,

merge gep and gifted?


noticing: several posts exist as extensions of youtube videos. this isn’t quite ideal.

some posts are stubs with definitions

copes: I think the phrase “cope”, used as a noun, is actually a fairly useful term and ought to be repurposed as shorthand for “coping mechanism”. My best idea about copes is “you can’t moralize away a load-bearing coping mechanism”.