
collecting some tweets and notes…

Neilsen blogosphere study 2012: Buzz in the Blogosphere: Millions More Bloggers and Blog ReadersBy the end of 2011, NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company, tracked over 181 million blogs around the world, up from 36 million only five years earlier in 2006.

2011 article about dooce

Wiki: term was coined in 1999 as a joke by Brad L Graham… recoined in 2002, adopted and propagated by the warblog community… term resembles logosphere… I want to write something about pamphleteers…

rgay: It’s shocking to hear Heather Armstrong died yesterday. It’s hard to put into words just how influential she was to the blogosphere. I hope she is at peace, and that her children and loved ones are finding solace where they can.

mirivinni: I have complicated feelings on the old blogosphere. It was the beginning of the democratization of media and produced some great, raw writing. But mommy bloggers were by far the worst of it. Just insane privacy violations of children and spouses in the name of self expression. This of course has only gotten worse with family vloggers and TikTokers. So maybe feminists writing about their families in often unflattering and depressing ways are small potatoes. All strikes me as voyeuristic and exploitative regardless.

RtrnSanity: The death of the old “new” media is really scarry. RIP Dooce.

There’s a reason why wokeness took off the way it did. What else were women like this supposed to do? The early 2010s were over. People decided they didn’t like Mormons and wouldn’t elect one as president. Williamsburg had become crazy expensive. They were approaching 40.
I loved Heather Armstrong. But her style of writing, which really only she could do well, influenced Jessica Valenti, Lyz Lenz, Emily Gould, Joanna Goddard, Elizabeth Spiers. The Jezebel and Gawker old guard.
She wrote entirely on her own terms. She inspired generations of women. She left an incredible legacy that is now sadly crumbling along with everything else in this shit era

“two-decades-long veteran of the nerd blogosphere, Robin Hanson”

flat6forever: The left YT / pod / blogosphere is full of grasping cretins who have been big big mad about a fucking wedding for a whole week now. They will never stop fighting among themselves, because they’re all about building their own brands instead of solidarity.

uTobian: The left wing blogosphere was revolutionary, for a minute. Then it got corporate as Arianna Huffington hoovered up all the talent. It became complacent under Obama & developed TDS when HRC lost. Now it’s a vapid wasteland of TV reviews, makeup tips, and bad relationship advice.

“Fluevogs still exist?! I thought they faded out in the 2010s along with their target customer, the NaNoWriMo blogosphere veteran working in academia, wearing too much purple, and collecting 60s housewife magazines (ironically).”