1000 index


unreliable narrator – how to correct self?

feels / experiences – what is it like to be a certain way?



Can probably summarize a lot of the following into a single post.


  1. 0428 — integrity ““I grew up thinking concepts like “integrity” were lame, and sort-of rebelled against them. It wasn’t very useful or effective towards any end. I’m starting to realize now that integrity is actually really useful, because it allows for efficiency. If you can trust a tool, you can focus on the task at hand. Not having integrity means not exactly being able to trust yourself.”
  2. 0532 — guilt as a signalling mechanism – it’s not an absolute thing. It’s possible to have too much of it. Don’t just be overwhelmed by it, pay attention to what it’s trying to tell you.
  3. 0213 — freedom requires violence
  4. 0212 — Bullshit breaks down at the boundaries
  5. maps
    1. 0368 — ugh fields
    2. 0497 — low-res maps vs high-res maps
  6. 0395 — procrastination as Parent vs Child breakdown
  7. 0052 — deep thinking, 20s, conditional self-esteem
  8. 0019 — scale of influence, redundancy
  9. 0183 — Everything is a remix + checkpoints and milestones
  10. 0073 — local optimum
  11. 0142 — Arbitrary configurations of reality
  12. self-concept
    1. 0483 — Poor Little Me
    2. 0024 — procrastination as pain-avoidance
    3. 0123 — laziness as work aversion
  13. 0482 — gooey people and prickly people
  14. stimuli
    1. 0009 — Jugs Of Water and Motivational Posters
  15. 0053 — no such thing as level playing field / we rarely love people
  16. 0043 — Life is theatre, writing for self
  17. 0067 — rotten apple
  18. navigation
    1. 0082 — metaphorical airports destinations comfort zone
  19. 0120 — building self-control like building a company
  20. 0062 — Facebook fatigue
  21. 0028 — the 25%
  22. 0125 — the self as a state
  23. 0108 — future as escapism
  24. 0111 — activation energy hypothesis + tattoos, piercings, mohawks
  25. 0165 — Cheap Turpentine and Varying Opportunities
  26. 0328 — the village idiot goes to the forest


Stop / don’t  / beware

 priorities / basics

Mission / mindset






  1. 0021 — judging others, guruka singh, letting go



  1. 0397 — living life stressfully, and elephants breaking free We are all elephants tied to posts. Don’t talk to other elephants. Free yourself first.
  2. 0302 — breaking out of patterns
  3. 0300 — break free from your stale, suffocating patterns “People like to come up with stories that make them feel like they didn’t have much of a choice. It allows you to give up, give in, surrender to fate. You just put up a socially acceptable amount of resistance– you whine and bitch as much as it takes– until you get tired, or until you feel like you’re justified, and then you go on living the same way, doing the same thing. You complain about drama, but really, you’re guilty of perpetuating it inside your own head.”
  4. 0164 — Recognizing Naivete, and #welcometothecircus
  5. 0233 — improving my environment (x)
  6. 0273 — revisiting the central problem (undertaking the schlep)
  7. 0241 — Revisiting “on purpose”, from 2009
  8. 0518 — refactoring my personal library
  9. 0204 — fixing anxiety, pausing and changing environments
  10. 0198 — progressing recursively
  11. 0503 — troubleshooting my first story
  12. 0193 — prioritize ruthlessly and follow through
  13. 0190 — awaken to inner richness
  14. 0170 — question your assumptions; what got you here won’t get you there
  15. 0479 — revisit the Resistance
  16. 0276 — listen to yourself
  17. 0540 — scratching new surfaces + desired end states
  18. 0531 — do things for placebo purposes
  19. 0529 — gently calibrating expectations
  20. 0450 — practice pauses
  21. 0460 — dancing to the internal compass
  22. 0484 — thinking about tools
  23. 0437 — walking over the same old ground
  24. 0473 — breathing easier
  25. 0469 — decide to grow
  26. 0501 — revising personal narratives and self-concept
  27. 0496 — identify personal baggage that needs addressing, and address it
  28. 0016 — expressing the repressed, and art
  29. 0026 — meet older friends + singapore/overview effect
  30. 0046 — being a fucking human being
  31. 0048 — brain reality and starting from scratch
  32. 0066 — starting over, reflections on procrastination
  33. 0143 — Question own assumptions about how life should be lived
  34. 0464 — toy with mediums
  35. ing
    1. 0089 — starting beeminder
    2. 0083 — talking over you
    3. 0448 — coming of age
    4. 0037 — changing circumstances
  36. 0441 — peopling, and silly
  37. 0433 — evolve the 1000wordvomits project
  38. 0406 — reflect on habits
  39. 0405 — deal with slipping and with foggy black boxes
  40. 0316 — think and talk about anger
  41. 0315 — sorta starting from scratch, managing the mind
  42. 0307 — deal with plateaus
  43. 0303 — build up the meatbag
  44. 0305–2nd workout, reflecting on overthinking




  1. 0228 — getting back into the groove of Heavy Reading
  2. 0226 –re-reading landsburg
  3. 0225 — auditing myself + what to read next
  4. 0187 — Reading Dostoyevsky and repeating myself
  5. 0144 — reading in the mornings and the joy of decluttering
  6. 0440 — reading old vomits (and thoughts for new ones)

writing plans / goals / next-steps

Operations / navigation, review/process
