Revolutionize Education, make learning fun

I’ve been watching more TED Talks recently- and I’ve stumbled upon a few gems. I’ve decided I’m going to write about my favourite ones and make a list of recommendations so you don’t have to trawl through all of them yourself.

The guy in the above video is a science teacher who demonstrates how our existing systems of education areΒ NOT user-oriented. This has been a sore point for me for a long time- video games are forced to delight the user and make them happy, which is why people are so addicted to World of Warcraft and Candy Crush Saga. There’s merciless competition, and if you’re not constantly refining your game, you’re going to be left behind.

Well, schools have competition now when it comes to learning. Kids can learn from YouTube and other video-sharing resources. I used YouTube extensively myself when I was studying for my A Levels as a private candidate and it’s a total game-changer.

Instutitionalized academia is going to have to adapt and up its game. This excites me.

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