W5D1: A Beautiful Morning

This morning is beautiful, not because of anything intrinsic about the day itself, but because of the way I have begun it. And despite what some writers might say about beginning each day as a new day, today’s beginning is somewhat dependent on yesterday’s end. I must acknowledge this.

Yesterday wasn’t actually such a good day. Yesterday I woke up really late, after spending hours and hours watching videos on YouTube. (At least they were good videos- I feel like I made progress on my Mass Effect journey, which is something really important to me even if it doesn’t make sense to anybody else. More on that later.) That said, I neglected sleep- which might just be the most important resource ever.

We didn’t sell many t-shirts yesterday,  but that was alright. We sold enough in the two days before. We packed up and left early. I spent some good quality time with my girlfriend, and then I got home.

I decisively chose not to go online. I went straight to bed and picked up my notebook. I did 20 push-ups. I started writing down my thoughts, which I might share at a later juncture. After a while, I felt a wave of sleepiness naturally come over me. I almost fell asleep while writing- a feeling I haven’t had at a natural bedtime since I was in primary school. (It is, however, a feeling that is often encountered while at junior college, or work.)

This morning I woke up… I think I woke up at about 6am. What normally happens is I wake up, go back to sleep, wake up again, maybe jerk off (yes, I’m one of millions), go back to sleep… and by the time I wake up, it’s already 1pm, or 3pm, or worse. When I wake up, my mind is a whirr of static. At some point in time, my thoughts from the previous night made their way to the surface, and I rolled over and picked up my notebook and continued writing. About 10 minutes into it, my mind cleared, and I’m wide awake.

I still gotta do my morning 20 pushups. I’m adding reading to my bookends. So thoughts-writing + 20 pushups + water parade + reading at least a chapter, every morning and every night.

Beautiful life. Good start. Going to be studying all day today. Steps towards dreams? Yes.

I made some decent progress studying. Watching Neil Gaiman’s Commencement Address. (Do what you were meant to do. Yes, I am meant to connect people, share great ideas and amplify signals.) Enjoying it. Reading Derek Sivers. Enjoying it. (Whatever scares you, go do it- I’m going to do stand-up comedy tomorrow. I’m doing my A-Levels at the moment. I’m selling t-shirts, and I’m going to write like crazy.)


1. You already have something that people want.

It might be something you own, something you’ve learned how to do, or access to valuable resources, space, or people.

2. Find a way to share it with everyone who needs it.


Pretend you’re someone who can do it.