
I secretly worry that I am a burden to my friends, that they don’t want to hear anything from me, that they get annoyed whenever I appear and would prefer it if I weren’t around

42 thoughts on “secret

  1. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.

  2. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.

  3. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.

  4. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.

  5. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.

  6. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.

  7. ybing

    I think it’s human to have such worries once in a while.
    I have such worries too. :/ but I learnt that we must trust and put faith in our friends.