wisdom (teeth)

So I pulled my two left wisdom teeth today. I only had 2 cigarettes yesterday- I wasn’t feeling so well, so it was more like 1.5 cigarettes really (I couldn’t taste or enjoy it), and I haven’t smoked today- and I won’t be smoking until my wound heals completely. Which means to say I might not be smoking for over two weeks, which means to say I might just go without smoking for a month, or indefinitely.

(A little voice inside my head goes “you know you’ll start again”- but I’m not going to worry about that. A day at a time. Live in the Now.)

So my mouth is full of blood, and it taste of blood- a dull, metallic taste. Some of my spit earlier in the afternoon was rather visceral. It’s a strange feeling. It’s also strange because I was falling sick the day before I extracted my teeth, and I haven’t been smoking, and I’ve been getting a lot more sleep than I usually do- which means I’m more alert (because of the sleep- which is letting me write a lot quicker), I’m more zoned out (lack of nicotine, maybe), and I’m a bit heavy and lethargic (illness, or loss of blood, or both).

Anyway. I feel bright and clear, so it’s about time I stop making excuses and get to work. I have some time now to get some serious amounts of writing done, so I shall.