How would you live?

I think a great question to ask is- what sort of life would you (or do you!) envision for yourself if money weren’t an issue? What kind of life would you design for yourself?

I don’t actually see myself living in incredible luxury with cars and a huge mansion.

  • I see myself writing a lot.
  • I see myself playing music.
  • I see myself leading a significant tribe of people that matter to me, and together, we matter to the world.
  • I see myself helping people think for themselves, helping them become self-sufficient.
  • I see myself travelling a lot- not as a tourist, but as a pilgrim.
  • I see myself building powerful social systems that transcend bullshit.
  • I see myself happy, laughing, surrounded by friends and loved ones, respected and admired by adversaries for my elegance and my ceaseless offer of kinship.
  • I see myself humbled by minds greater than my own, by processes greater than myself.
  • I see myself shaping Singaporean culture- and global culture- for the better, boosting the signals that better our species.
  • I see myself empowering others at multiple levels, across multiple scales.
  • I see myself building a life that is greater than myself, that goes on beautifully without me.

It’s a trick question, really, because money was never the issue.

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