from the horse’s mouth

Well, personally, I would just be straightforward with it. Like how Visa has been to me, and vice versa. It’s a good wake up call when you’re literal and in your face

But you can’t approach it in the way that sounds self-righteous “You should be more like this, more like that” . If you want her to realize something, you can point out simply “do you notice that people tend to react this way around you when you do this?”

and “I know you don’t really care, because you’re an individual and all, but if you had to pick between two outcomes; one having people who care about you, care about you more. Or having people who care about you eventually not give a fuck — which would you prefer?”

“the choice is entirely up to you, but you, just like myself and everyone else on this god forsaken earth, have to live with the consequence of your actions”