Paradigm shift: Inwards to outwards

The edge-of-seat, I’m on fire and I got to do something right now feelings is one of the best feelings in the world. Well, “best” is subjective- sometimes it can make you do stupid things, or frustrate you if it isn’t managed properly, but as a resource, it is incredibly powerful and a brilliant opportunity that often goes wasted by people who don’t prepare for it.

I’m overwhelmed by that feeling right now, loving it.

This feeling can be induced at will if you practice it. Of course, the induced feeings are rarely as good as the overwhelmingly powerful ones that seem to come nowhere, but it’s still pretty close.

People who are skilled at managing emotions know how to harness this ability.

It’s a highly generative ability- by that I mean to say that it puts a person in a frame of mind where they are able to generate profuse amounts of content. This is a good time to brainstorm, to write, to paint, to draw, to come up with new ideas, to look at things differently, to go crazy.

It is not as good a time to look at things critically, to remove things, to refine things- these things usually come later. It’s a powerful burst of energy from the firehose of your mind. When given such power, one should embrace it and learn to manage it effectively rather than ignore it, stifle it or try to distract it.

Okay, so my specific burst right now is putting me on the road of a paradigm shift of sorts, of this blog, of my mind, of the way I’m doing things. I’ve spent the past 30+6 weeks generally focused on myself- that is, I’ve turned my attention inwards and focused on trying to fix things, improve processes, things like that. I don’t see it as selfishness, I see it as an investment- the incompetence of an individual takes a toll on his peers and his environment, so I think focusing on myself was completely justified- if you’ve never taken time off to get to know yourself better, you really, really should.

I’m experiencing a sort of paradigm shift right now, from self-directed focus to others-directed focus. I feel like I’ve extracted enough value from my self-evaluation and that continuing to focus on that would yield diminishing returns, so I’ve decided to change my focus to helping and empowering others. This was always part of the plan and lies neatly in my grand vision, which I might share with you soon if you’re lucky.

So what am I going to do? With regards to this blog, I’m going to change how I look at things, how I present things and how I market things. So far, most of the blog has been rather indulgent, and I think almost necessarily so. The focus was on me.

Now the focus will be on you. I’m going to take most of what I know and share it with you- what I’ve learnt, what I think could be of use to you. You, you, and you. The idea is to empower others. I will start by:

– Delivering greater value to you from existing blog posts by editing them to emphasize the value to you and cut away the indulgence. The content will remain somewhat the same, but the way it is presented will save you the time and energy of digging through my thoughts.

– Alert you to what I can share with you by presenting the existing information in a more clear, concise and effective manner.

I will do this through a series of specific actions that I will describe as I go along.

The most important skill that you need to have.

One thought on “Paradigm shift: Inwards to outwards

  1. Pingback: summary of entire blog, part 2 | visakan veerasamy.