Smoke-Free, Day One

I’ve decided to try to quit smoking. Again. I have been smoking for about 4 years now. I normally smoke about 2 packs a week. When I’m hanging out with friends, drinking or extremely stressed or bored, I can smoke up to a pack a day. I estimate that I have smoked about 400-500 packs by now, which amounts to about 10,000 cigarettes. I think that’s about enough.

I have attempted to quit smoking on several occasions before. Obviously, every single one of those attempts failed- but it is perhaps worth noting that each consecutive attempt was more successful than its predecessor. The first serious attempt I made lasted 3 days, the second lasted 5, and the third lasted slightly over a week.

This time I think I know what I’m doing. I think I have a good enough reason, and I think I have enough experience to know what to expect and how to manage it effectively. I have skills, incentives and a plan.

It has been a full day since my last cigarette. I smoked 4 cigarettes yesterday, and about 10 the day before.

In the spirit of keeping track of things, I’ve decided to keep track of my smoking cessation for 30 days.

Today was Day 1.

Woke up in the morning feeling psychologically strong. Do not have any cigarettes or tobacco with me. Feeling excited, ambitious, powerful. Did not feel any need to smoke whatsoever.

Began to feel giddy after a while, as expected and has always happened before. Brain not used to having so much oxygen. My skin feels extra sensitive. My fingertips have a tinge of pins-and-needles. My nervous system feels “overloaded”, I find myself fidgeting a lot. I bought peanuts and Mentos in anticipation of cravings. I finished the peanuts at breakfast and rationed out the tube of Mentos to last me the entire day.

Drank lots and lots of water, several 500ml bottles worth. Mouth feels like its moulting, shedding dead/dying tissue, being reborn. It’s a rather awkward, icky aftertaste/sensation. Skin still sensitive. Experience a couple of erections at random, like an adolescent all over again. (I don’t know if I’m imagining it, if it’s because of improved circulation, sensitive nerves or a bit of both- but they also seem substantially harder.) Slept a lot. Air “tastes” really fresh in the lungs. Experience heart palpitations and a bit of tightness in the chest on a couple of occasions, as expected. I’ve also been feeling a little bit nauseous, also expected. Also, fatigue.

Generally giddy. Head feels a bit heavy. Feels really good to breathe in deep. Body feels lighter. Mind is still active. The will is still strong. If you offered me a cigarette now I would turn it down without any doubt, regret or temptation. Going strong.