so many of you have the same fucking problems

it’s ridiculous, you’re intelligent people, you can and should know better and learn to find solutions! STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHER PEOPLE YOU IDIOTS AND LIVE YOUR LIFE WELL FOR THE PLEASURE OF A LIFE WELL LIVED

PS: No, I’m not singling you out; it’s almost all of you. Damn.

PPS: Every problem is a challenge and an opportunity.

3 thoughts on “so many of you have the same fucking problems

  1. visakanv Post author

    Take any problem you can think of, however hard or however bad. Multiply it by a factor of ten, and add about 5 other hard problems to go with it. Somewhere out there, someone has been through it, survived it and transcended it.

    I think you don’t properly grasp the scope of what I consider challenges/opportunities. Knowing that you’re going to die in 10 minutes is a challenge/opportunity. So is losing all your loved ones, losing all your limbs, being stricken with disease, going bankrupt and in debt, being jailed for a crime you didn’t commit…

    The challenge/opportunity is not necessarily to “solve” the problem on the plane on which it was created- it is often to reframe it in a way in which it can be looked at from a different perspective that creates value.

  2. visakanv Post author

    that doesn’t actually explain anything! =\ everybody gets tired, irrational, angry, edgy, upset- I do too, and so do people far more skilled and effective than I! I don’t see why that means things have to fall apart =\

  3. visakanv Post author

    Not fishing for compliments, this is not about me.

    “it’s like … saying, just STOP it! be functional! just sit down and study for 5 hours straight!”

    That is COMPLETELY contrary to what I believe in! It DOESN’T make sense to follow a one-size-fits-all strategy. Doing what everybody else is doing is the quickest route to unfulfilled misery- even if you’re damn good at it, because you’ll be constantly edgy, anxious and paranoid.

    I believe in what I’d describe as asymmetrical warfare. When faced against a brick wall, DON’T BASH YOUR HEAD AGAINST IT. Why spend hours pushing at a pull door? It doesn’t make sense to me. Persistence has to be coupled with empiricism- if one method doesn’t work, TRY ANOTHER!

    If I had to manage someone with ADHD or autism, I’d encourage them to play to their strengths, not to force themselves to try and squeeze themselves into some kind of arbitrary cookie-cutter bullshit.

    (I personally think studying for 5 hours straight is a stupid thing to do regardless of context or skill level, by the way.)

