Things I’d Like To Work On

A blog is an interesting place, an interesting thing to be responsible for, an interesting medium, a vehicle for thought and expression.

Blogging- for now, at least- isn’t really the best way for me to express my thoughts and ideas at the moment. The best way I do that right now is either on pen and paper- which I have embraced in my journalling habit, which I shall share with you in due time- or in conversation, which is what my writing style tends to be based on. These are limitations, or constraints- interesting problems that I have to work around or find creative solutions for.

I’d like to improve the clarity of my thoughts, and the manner in which I express them. How much is my intellectual development limited by the weakness of my language?

I’d like to organize my thoughts coherently and effectively. I especially want to get rid of redundant drivel that clouds my writing. This will involve a lot of revision, and a more critical assessment of myself and my writing. It will be painful. But it can and must be done.