Self-Assessment: goals, routines, habits and hesitation

Time for a bit of introspective reflection and philosophical spring cleaning!

Online Productivity:

I’ve gotten a Grooveshark account and made a playlist of music that I like. This makes me really happy, because now I have an awesome soundtrack of music to blog to!

I’m going to make sure that the playlist is a fixed length- perhaps 100 minutes, and commit to getting off the computer once it runs its course. I imagine this will reduce the amount of time I waste aimlessly wandering the internet! We’ll see if it works. Implementing now.

  • I need to blog more regularly
  • write more regularly too with pen and paper.

Not much to say or plan here- the only thing is to get a bit done every day, consistently- and then refine things from there.


I’m really happy with my fitness gains. I haven’t hit the gym in a few days- the past few workouts have been exceptionally hard on me, and I feel like I need at least a week to recover and re-cooperate fully from the accumulated fatigue.

I plan I’ll hit the gym again soon, invigorated and fitter than ever. A little voice in my head tells me that I’m going to give up, but I intend to shut it up. I’ve come too far to fail now- I truly enjoy the rush the endorphins give me, and the literally empowering feeling of increased strength… I’m not going to give all that up for nothing.

Fitness will continue to be my “main priority”, and the bedrock that I fall back on even if I slip on anything else.

I plan to accomplish this by: Continuing what I’ve been doing for the past 11 weeks, and then stepping it up.

Moderate long term goal: Learn to swim, complete a 10km run by the end of the year, weigh 72kg by the end of the year


Spoiled for choice.

  • I recently read Nassim Taleb’s The Black Swan, and it blew my mind to smithereens.
  •’s What We Believe But Cannot Prove is presently blowing my mind,
  • Judith Rich Harris’s The Nurture Assumption is going to further give my brain a good humping.

I don’t want to read them casually and forget them- I want to absorb them and assimilate their ideas, and develop intellectually.

I plan to accomplish this by:

  • studying the books intensely
  • making notes and annotations
  • thinking about them,
  • analysing the ideas on paper,
  • summarizing them
  • testing my understanding of these ideas by sharing them with my friends. (The poor bastards.)

Moderate long term goal: I plan to do like a massive mind map or chart of sorts of all the influential books I have read, drawing links between ideas- and the end-game is when I’m able to explain all of them with clarity and fluency.

Other things include music- I just bought new guitar strings… okay, less talking, more doing. More next time, maybe! This post isn’t complete, but I don’t care! Roar.