moving on

I never really got very comfortable with livejournal, so i’ve moved on- for my more journalistic, provocative, argumentative essay-like writing for my more creative, descriptive and poetic writing

I think this is a move I have to make, because I can’t really balance the two in a single medium and I think I’d work much better being allowed to alternate between the two based on how I feel. Especially for posts like this, perhaps. This is my sketchpad, where my work starts- but it needs to end somewhere, and not here.

I hope some of you (especially all you lurkers who read but never comment) find that the new blogs appeal to you even more so than my livejournal- there’s something for everyone, on one or the other. or you could just linger here and watch me try to grapple with and make sense of it all.

to the folk on my f-list- I can never truly leave, because you guys are still precious to me, and i will need you from time to time. <3

2 thoughts on “moving on

  1. irapedthesong

    BOOOOO. I don’t actively go to individual blogs, I just read whatever is on my friends’ page, if I don’t see it there then I won’t end up reading it. :-/