How My Mind Works: Mind Explosion

Every once in a while- and these moments are exceptional, rare and intense- I have what I might describe as a mind explosion. It’s like a mental orgasm, but not really. I feel my thoughts transcending the traditional verbal mechanisms, from things like “It is a hot day today” to “I wonder why so-and-so is behaving like that” and “It seems likely that this or that might occur because of these things” to something a lot more sublime and non-verbal. I don’t think this is an experience unique to myself- these are the Eureka moments for thinkers, those moments of exalted honesty and insight that musicians, dancers, athletes and performers strive for…

You must forgive me if I am not too interested in order and coherence right now- I am not choosing my words carefully, for I am in a rush to express this moment while it lasts. I believe that poets and musicians and men and women far greater than myself have expressed this before, and far more fluently- yet I still feel compelled to do this, for me.

Where am I deriving this sensation? A lot of it is from independent thought, complemented by the interpretation of the thoughts of others. Reading helps, profoundly. What am I even talking about? I’m getting ahead of myself. Sometimes words just seem far too inadequate, and I feel like I have been tasked with a responsibility that is greater than I can do justice to at this juncture- like a musician with beautiful music in his head, but not enough technical ability to do it justice. Moments like these make me realise the value of practice- in this case, the development of a fluent and effective means of expression- so that I will be able to do justice to my thoughts. (I’m sorry, thoughts.)

  • Everybody would be happier if there were more designated smoking areas, including (and especially) non-smokers.
  • The thinkers at the frontiers of human knowledge are on to unbelievably exciting things, and they need our fullest support. They ought to be rock stars!
  • Environment is everything and we really ought to choose ours as effectively as possible.
  • Odysseus and the Sirens, and what that means for the rest of us with regards to making choices- ^related to the above (I’ve written a post about it!)
  • Happiness is a choice, and it is hard work… matter of perception
  • Always seek out new perspectives for they are exciting and in a sense empowering
  • Importance of effective habits… more profound than we can possibly imagine
  • Importance of strategy, tactics… ^related to the above

(The feeling is subsiding now, a little bit… I’m sure that there was more)

I have to share my input on some of the things I’ve been reading lately- The Age Of Absurdity by Michael Foley, Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland, The Genius In All Of Us by David Shenk, and similar ideas from several books by Napoleon Hill

Successful people are different from average people because of the choices that they make and the habits that they form… they’re not particularly special or different from us in any way, there’s nothing they have that we don’t. That’s exciting, empowering and also very humbling and kinda sad

Awareness brings with it a deep sense of personal responsibility… for me, at least, and I’d like to think that it should for everybody, but that assumes that you’ve already made the leap into realising that personal responsibility is one of the most important things in living a fulfilling life

what else WHAT ELSE @()#%@#5

When all options are equally absurd, it is pragmatic to choose the most positive or noble… I think

this post probably doesn’t deserve to be published and should be a draft rather than anything else, but i’m going to publish it anyway, just the way it is, so you get to sort of see how my mind works, in a way

2 thoughts on “How My Mind Works: Mind Explosion

    1. visaisahero

      Thanks babe! You’re an xNFP, right? It’s an Extraverted Intuition experience- making connections, seeing things from alternate perspectives, discovering some sort of sublime order in apparent chaos