dear visa

We need to talk! 😀

It’s think-out-loud time. Balance, effectively, the right-now and the big picture. Ignore neither, and do justice to both.

Smoking. You said you’d quit. You went cold turkey for a full week, which was fairly impressive. I didn’t think you’d make it, to be honest. You surprised yourself! Since then you’ve succumbed to bumming the occasional cigarette here and there. Still, you haven’t bought a pack in a month. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good start. There’s definitely progress. Acknowledge though, that there’s some growing self-doubt- are you truly free from dependency? Don’t get complacent. Further cement your position by going cold turkey for at least a full 2-week stretch now. We’ll re-evaluate then.

Fitness. I am really proud of you for sustaining your Every-Third-Day gym routine for nearly two months now! Your’e definitely fitter than you have ever been in your entire life, and that is wonderful. It’s time to allow yourself to be more flexible. Every 3 days should be increased to 3 times a week, any kind of workout so long that it’s intense. Add runs, swims, cycling! Focus on your legs. Listen to your body. Keep evaluating yourself constantly. Eat more. Start eating breakfast and dinner/supper at home. Sleep well- that is perhaps more vital.

Finances. On hindsight, you know that it was a bad decision to risk a quarter of your monthly salary (and more than half of your expendable monthly income!) betting on the World Cup. Learn as much as possible from that negative experience and always evaluate every risk with clarity and an honest idea of how much you can afford to lose. Splurging the same amount on the library book sale though, was completely justified. It was a great investment. (68 awesome books! Damn!) The benefits outweigh the costs. You’ve stopped spending money on cigarettes. That’s good. Now eat out less, and for less too. Maximize the value for money of any indulgences. Seriously do something about bus concession, and your breakfast. Consider bringing breakfast to work.

Blog This is the next and most important, immediate step. It’s investing in your personal brand, building your value and worth. You tell me, so often and with such fervour, that you want to be a writer. Prove it. Write. Every day. Cut down on your nonsense FB status updates- nobody cares. Once you’re awesome everyone will kiss your ass anyway, and that won’t mean anything either. You’re chasing superficial validation that is meaningless and missing out on genuine value. Developing this will be the most effective way of justifying your inflated self-esteem and give you the credens you so badly desire, and maybe even give you that opportunity you seek to advocate all that you wish to advocate in the world. Establish routine. Give me your most powerful, insightful entries every 3 days.

Music. Keep things simple, pleasant and straightforward. Consider using music as a reward, as motivation for other accomplishments! Acoustic guitars, bass. Worry about petty details only after you’ve sorted out your finances and if/when you have substantial free time. Establishing powerful routines in your fitness, blogging and general efficiency should come first before any musical endeavour. I know you want to play, so you better earn the right.

OK now go be awesome.

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