back on task

I’ve been away for longer than I intended to- actually it hasn’t been all that long, and I used to spend much longer away from the blog, but since trying to cultivate a daily blogging habit it most certainly feels longer. It feels good to feel a mild urge to blog- I hope I can develop this into a burning, raging addiction. 😀

I was away because I was busy working at the Singapore Airshow Exhibition to earn some pocket money- which I do not yet have, as they take a while to pay. I’ve also been busy jamming with Astroninja. Both of them have been very challenging and fulfilling experiences. I must of course add that the work at the SAe has been much more grueling and murderous because of the unforgiving 12-hour shifts in the blazing sun… but I digress. Been busy with work.

Back to the matter at hand- I said that I intended to begin a sort of project to document and evaluate my life thus far, and I do not plan to procrastinate or malinger as I usually do.

One of the biggest problems for me in starting any sort of project is to find a stable and suitable starting point. (Have I already mentioned this?) The arc vs. tower scenario is analogous to this. How do you begin work on something that is intended to be perceived as a whole, and not as a sum of its parts? It can be too easy to spend too much time worrying about one component and neglecting the larger portion, and yet it can be immensely unsatisfying to attempt to work on all the components simultaneously. An alternative might be to begin and complete the project in secret before presenting it in all its splendor- but that directly conflicts with my style- I crave feedback and input and anything I do will also ideally double as performance art in some manner of speaking, one way or another- like a painter who does his painting in front of an audience, for example.

Moving on- I’ve decided to begin by creating a list of things that I would like to talk about. It might not be as comprehensive or thorough as I like and I might even overlook things here and there- but a growing list helps me get a bird’s eye view of what things might be shaping up to be. To add the interactive element in, I will also begin writing entries on topics based on what you guys request for. It’s sort of like a game of truth or dare, only I’m not doing any dares and I get selected every single time. It’ll be fun, I promise!

Anything you’ve been ever wanted to know about me- or what I think or feel about anything- this is your chance to get a full-length blog entry about it! Ask away!

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