
You are so goddamn fucking juvenile. I can’t believe how small-minded you are. I always give you more credit than that.

People explain themselves when they fuck up. That’s normal. I do that too. But you’re the first person I’ve ever met who explains, in advance, why you’re GOING to fuck up. I’m not your daddy or your schoolteacher, the only person you’re accountable to is yourself. Why are you giving me these excuses for?! Don’t YOU care about how everything turns out?! Don’t YOU have as big a stake in this as the rest of us?! If you don’t want to put in the effort, it reflects badly on you. (I want to say “And no one else”, but it reflects badly on the rest of us too, but you clearly don’t have the mental capacity to even comprehend such a concept.)

Two weeks ago, you were telling me how you’re going to start celebrating after Econs because Physics Paper 3 only weighs 20% and it doesn’t really matter. Now that I need you to put in some effort into something that reflects on all of us, you suddenly say that it’s the “Defining Moment” of physics. Fuck YOU okay. What the fuck. Why did you have to book your rubbish nonsense 2 days before we need you?! Did you not fucking check your fucking schedule? WHY do you act surprised everytime I tell you something important that we already went through before? Are you fucking lazy, ignorant or fucking retarded?! How does your girlfriend tolerate you?

I am fucking embarrassed for you because of your fucked up attitude. I don’t know where I find the strength and benevolence to deal with low-life like you. Do you know how much I have to fight to defend your name around other people? Yet you gladly badmouth me and the rest of us if it makes you look cooler or superior in the few minutes it takes for anyone to realise just how fucking shallow, small-minded and insignificant you are. Singapore is too small for you to pull off that shit.

So much talk, so little action. You make me feel better about myself, even, and that’s SAD. Please grow the fuck up and stop making it so difficult to work with you. Please. We chose to do this together. We committed to this together. We’re accountable to nobody but ourselves. You cannot do this to us now. You’re jeopardizing EVERYTHING we’ve ever worked for and dreamed about, man. You fucking cheebye.

If, at the critical point, you still don’t show signs of giving a fuck, and you still give me your fucking excuses, and you still don’t learn, and you still obsess about the petty irrelevant things, and you still refuse to do the right thing, then I will quit. I will walk right out the door with no regrets. We’ve been through so much together but that is just how much I value our friendship right now. And I am sorry to say that.