an argument with myself! :O

(ISFP Visa and ENTP Visa are sitting at a coffeeshop. ISFP Visa is drinking Teh-O. ENTP Visa is drinking Milo Peng. Both Visas are purely fictional, talk too much, and think that their views are very important. It is advised that you do not legitimize their views, because their egos are big enough as it is.)

ENTP: Help me understand you. Explain yourself. Convince me. Make your case. You know what I mean.

ISFP: Sure. I guess we ought to talk about our similarities first. Like you, I want to be happy. I want to have meaningful relationships with the people around me. I value truth.

ENTP: Okay, yeah I can agree with that.

ISFP: However, I operate on a different system of values and beliefs from you. The difference between you and me is that I don’t go out of my way to try to reason things. It’s not that I’m incapable of reason; I prefer to go with my gut instinct. I generally don’t like reason because the world is far too unpredictable and convoluted to be understood through reason alone.

ENTP: Before I even talk about what you actually said- that sounds like a fairly logical train of thought there, mate. You can’t renounce reason with a logical argument, because you’re demonstrating its value to you simply by using one!

ISFP: You misunderstand me. I have nothing against reason and I do not “renounce” it. Reason and logic are like the holy grails of the universe- the basis of order, harmony and beauty-

ENTP: You sound like an NT to me. Seriously, man. Come out of the closet. We have cookies.

ISFP: Let me finish. I have a great deal of respect for reason and logic, but I don’t believe that using it will really benefit me much; and it might even make things worse for me.

ENTP: Why-

ISFP: Human fallibility. We are ultimately fallible, primal creatures driven by instinct and desires. Logic and reason are beyond human beings, and its pursuit is ultimately futile. I am acutely aware of my own limitations- we will run into walls of difficulties, contradictions, inconsistencies, all of which are inherently frustrating, confusing and…

ENTP: Now, now. It’s true that we’re fallible, yes, but that doesn’t mean that pursuing something is futile. What do you mean by ultimately futile?

ISFP: There’s no way we can achieve it in our lifetimes. We might as well give it up and enjoy what little time instead.

ENTP: That’s it? We’re all going to die, so we shouldn’t bother? That we will never be able to achieve logical nirvana in our lifetimes? That doesn’t necessarily make something futile. The pursuit of logic may be idealistic, but it has always been men who have dared to dream who have changed the world. I sense that you’re just a self-interested fellow who doesn’t care about future generations or the world around him.

ISFP: Don’t you judge me. Aren’t we all driven by self-interest? There is nothing wrong with me pursuing my own goals and living life my own way if it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anybody else.

ENTP: Touché.

ISFP: Anyway, you just said that you “sense” that I am this way- what’s the reasoning behind that? Aren’t you going with your gut instinct as well?

ENTP: I suppose so, in a sense. but my instinct is based on intuition; from observing patterns in people’s behaviour, and pretty much anything else really. But there is a distinction between your gut instinct and mine- your gut instinct seems to tell you how you should act-

ISFP: That is true, I guess. It’s very useful.

ENTP: Mine doesn’t do anything like that. I’m usually uncertain as to how to act in a particular situation. My ‘instinct’ is more observational- it suggests to me that certain things might be a certain way, or that a certain circumstance or situation might be similar to something else… I observe patterns, my friend, in this “unpredictable and convoluted world”.

ISFP: So you claim. But I will have to acknowledge that, I guess.

ENTP: Intellectual fulfillment is its own reward. You said yourself that logic and reason are the “holy grails” of the universe. Well, being a rational thinker is choosing to pursue that path towards harmony, understanding…

ISFP: It’s too much effort and it opens up a whole new can of worms. Why bother? Life is too short. Ultimately, what matters is- are you happy with the way you live your life? Do you have meaningful relationships with the people in your life? Did you have fun?

ENTP: Dude, you can do all that, AND be an intellectual person at the same time. Understanding the universe and having a good time are not mutually exclusive.

ISFP: We only have so much time. When you have an examination and you come to a question you cannot answer,what do you do?

ENTP: You skip it, and-

ISFP: Exactly. So you have more time to do the other questions, that you do know how to answer. You get more marks that way.

ENTP: Yes, but when you’re done with those, then you go back to that question that you couldn’t do. You work on it. You work your mind. You try different solutions, that you might have never tried before. You think. You exercise your mind. You might not find the answer, but the processes involved are amazing and they will make you better off than if you had avoided the question altogether.

ISFP: I suppose you’re right there, but I must emphasize again that we have limited time. We will never even have enough time to answer all the questions that we CAN answer, let alone those that we can’t. Why bother with questions that we can’t, then?

ENTP: I’m starting to think this is a slightly ineffective analogy, because life doesn’t give you grades. What matters at the end of the ‘paper’ is not how many ‘marks’ you score, but whether you feel that you’ve learnt something from the whole thing. The trip is more important than the destination.

ISFP: That’s your opinion.

ENTP: Yes, yes it is. You still haven’t convinced me of the virtue of your ways.

ISFP: Okay… Look at kids. Kids are inherently nice. They’re happy, and they are honest.

ENTP: I could argue with that. I’ve met some pretty nasty kids, who lie and cheat and steal too. But I’ll acknowledge your point. Childhood was a happy time.

ISFP: Well, in essence, I make a conscious choice to live like a child. If I feel like eating ice cream, I eat ice cream. If I have sexual urges, I go to the club to meet other people just like me, and we make out or whatever. If I’m feeling angry, I vent. At the end of the day, when we are stretched thin by circumstance or weakness, it is our feelings and emotions that trump our conscious attempts at reason- so it makes sense to me to allow our primal urges and instincts to dictate how we live our lives.

ENTP: That doesn’t make sense. That’s like saying, if you yell at your friends when they make you angry, you might as well yell at them all the time? Doesn’t that make things worse?

ISFP: I’m not saying you should shout all the time. That’s just being a pain in the ass, and anal discomfort has been known to be caused by all sorts of men and women regardless of race, language, religion, background, personality…

ENTP: Amen to that.

ISFP: I’m really just saying that repressing your emotions is tiring and frustrating, and you would be happier if you were just honest with yourself.

ENTP: Ah but you see, I am honest with myself. I do not repress my emotions- I acknowledge them and try to understand them so that I can work with them and around them to serve my interests in the best possible way.

ISFP: That’s such a manipulative way to live your life. If I lived that way, I wouldn’t trust people much, just as how a thief always watches his back. If you keep thinking about how you’re supposed to act instead of just going with the flow, you lose your natural response and start to manufacture your identity.

ENTP: I am a go-with-the-flow sort of guy. Sometimes I don’t think too much either. And whether you choose to formulate your identity or not, the end result is still a representation of you as a person.

ISFP: I can accept that, but it makes me uncomfortable. It’s so unnatural.

ENTP: So is medication, and sanitation.

ISFP: I guess it’s really just an outlook.

ENTP: Agreed. I can imagine how I might have turned out just like you, under different circumstances. And I wouldn’t really have minded.

ISFP: Life is unpredictable, you never know.

ENTP: If you say so. I choose to figure things out.

ISFP: And I choose not to bother.

ENTP: Technically, we’re both doing what makes us happy, aren’t we?

ISFP: I guess.

ENTP: We’re not that different, really.

ISFP: If you say so.

(Readers: Feel free to ask either of them questions, and they will answer you from their perspective! Although, knowing Visa, he’ll probably butt in and insert his own views for good measure)

7 thoughts on “an argument with myself! :O

        1. visakanv Post author

          hahaha technically ISFP Visa doesn’t exist! And I suppose he’s more of an ISTP than ISFP… but it’s hard to portray an ISFP because most of them would just not want to discuss their opinions