#03: Swine Flu

“7 people have died from this swine flu. You know that other flu we get every year? That boring old regular flu? Yeah, it kills 36,000 a year. Where’s all the news coverage on that?”


“Stop blaming the swine flu for people’s deaths. It is a new strain of virus but no more in severity as any other flu that comes around every single year. Babies die to a fever, it happens. People living in poor hygiene and medical conditions die to a common cold, it happens. You may hear about 100+ people who have the flu in your area but 99% of them are going to recover without even going to a hospital.
The only real problem right now is that the virus is new and therefore no one is immune from having had it before. (Which is also the reason why it is spreading quickly.)”

“Swine Flu? Ooh 9 deaths. I wonder how many people have been killed in car accidents in the exact same time period.You know what? Call me when Captain Trips starts going around. Better yet, don’t call me. I’ll be heading to Boulder.”


“You know what’s a joke of a headline? When Fox News, CNN, and other media outlets make a big fracken deal about this kind of thing. There was a lady on CNN today that was so scared out of her mind that she’s already bought food supplies, was wearing a mask in her house, and was “just waiting for the President to tell us to stay in.”

*That* is what I’m making fun of. Society today is full of bogus headlines and making mountains out of molehills.

And if you really want to get down to it, how many people died in Darfur today that wern’t covered by the national media? How many kids starved to death? How many people were shot to death in gang related violence? We have not heard and will not hear anything about that, and those things have killed more people that the Swine Flu will probably ever kill.

So don’t lecture me about being insensitive. I’ve used my voice as a subtle critique of media bias and inferior reporting before, and I have every intention of continuing to do it.”


3 thoughts on “#03: Swine Flu

  1. subtleassphinx

    And if you really want to get down to it, how many people died in Darfur today that wern’t covered by the national media? How many kids starved to death? How many people were shot to death in gang related violence? We have heard and will not hear anything about that, and those things have killed more people that the Swine Flu will probably ever kill.

    precisely. the world’s so fucked up like that.