poems for friends

For those of you who’ve known me for more than a few years- I used to write obsessively. Poetry, short stories, you name it. I remember attempting a novel about a guy named Cyrus Blackthorne and I was up to about 40,000 words… a big deal to a kid with a short attention span.

I stopped sometime in 2003 when I was told that it wouldn’t amount to anything, and I deleted the entire folder of work I had in my computer.

Since forming Armchair Critic in late 2006, I started writing songs, and I found myself enjoying it thoroughly.

So while it’s rather painful to start something that I completely erased from my life, I’m going to try.

These are for my friends, and there will be more soon. I love you guys, and I want to try and express that somehow. I don’t think I’m quite as comfortable or fluid as I used to be, but hopefully it will come back in time.

francesca aurora way:

she is a ballerina, a chef and a drama queen.
we walk to each other on an empty road
in the middle of the night.

the fresh night air
dancing on our skin
is the rush
of diving into
the open sea.

levan wee lerping:

he is a circus act, a narcissist and a philosopher-
eccentric, unapologetic, and colourfully loud.

we talk, we think, we smoke, we drink.

surrounded by the people we love,
we are bonded by the knowledge that
we all live and die alone.

goh ahmad adnin firoz:

it began with a dangling conversation
“do you play guitar?”
and he did.

a year blitzes by in the twinkle of an eye
and through music, joy and suffering
we bare our souls.

come together
we are alike and yet totally different
best friends and merciless foes

he is a brother, a companion
and, if i may ever dare say it,
he is the mccartney to my lennon.

3 thoughts on “poems for friends

  1. xtorque

    don’t hate me please

    surrounded by the people we love,
    we are bonded by the knowledge that
    we all live and die alone.

    >> bit of a contradiction there? you love and are bonded, yet the foremost thoughts in your minds revolve around how we’re all essentially alone.

    and, if i may ever dare say it,
    he is the mccartney to my lennon.

    >> nicely put

    1. visakanv Post author

      Re: don’t hate me please


      we love and we bond DESPITE knowing we will be alone in the end.

      the more we realise the fragility of human life, the more we yearn to love and be loved, to remember and be remembered, to cherish and be cherished.

      it is an interesting thing to think about. how many of us remind ourselves often that we are going to die? is it noble and selfless, or pathetic and desperate?

      many of us are ignorant, unaware, or choose not to think about it. it’s often thought too difficult, unnecessary, you name it.

      When you look at someone in the eye, and you both know that you’re going to die, what do you do? How is your relationship different from people who don’t realise, don’t know or don’t care?

      It won’t be easy to describe that properly, but I do know that it’s pretty different and it’s something i’ll always remember about him.

