damn it (bad gig)

I am having a terrible headache right now and I’m going to just spill out everything that’s in my head without organizing my thoughts, so please bear with me.

We just played at Keynotes at Loof which is at Odeon Towers. It was a lovely venue and the people were great.

Unfortunately there was some fuckup and the power for the whole building went off for an hour. Soundcheck got cut short and the entire event got pushed back big-time.

The last three bands all had to cut their sets short- Cardinal Avenue and Trella both played about 3 or 4 songs. We were the last band altogether and were allowed “two fast songs”. We wanted to start immediately, but we started getting terrible feedback and noise, and the PA was turned down really soft because of complaints from neighbouring buildings, so we couldn’t hear our vocals.

Under that sort of pressure, distress and general “wtf lah” sensation, we played a terrible set. We had just played a really great, tight set at Home Club the day before, which I think was one of our best ever- but under these circumstances, we played pretty terribly.

There was no groove, no feel, the vibe was not there at all and we were making mistakes all over the place. We had no time to get our tones right- i hated the wirey sound my bass was making and I absolutely couldn’t play at all. My fingers were cramping up terribly and I was so tense I played absolutely crap bass.

It was particularly embarrassing because there were all these guys from all these other bands who had put up good, solid sets before us and here we were absolutely bombing ours.

It was particularly unforgivable because we know we can do so much better- we just played a great set the day before. I hate to blame it on circumstance.

I promise we will deliver good stuff at Rock The Sub and Festival For A Future.

I forgot to bring ear protection so my ears are still ringing quite terribly. That was unnecessary.