sit down it’s just a talk

MTV plays some beautiful music after 1 am.

It’s been a while since I last blogged- I worry that I might be losing my way with words, or that I’m not be expressing myself as well as much or as well as I should have.

My mum called me the other day while I was at Boon’s place and asked me if I smoked, because apparently somebody told my dad that I did. It’s kind of a funny thing; cause I’ve quit! So do I tell her that I did before and I quit already? Do I deny it? What a situation. I never did consider myself a smoker because I never ever lit up a stick on my own, for myself. It was always a social thing. And I quit that too.

I am heavily in debt- CAVE made a CRUSHing loss (har har) on our last show and we can barely afford to pay the venue and the performers for Acoustica- if Acoustica turns out to be a financial disaster as well, CAVE is going to have to take a break until we get back into the green. If not, expect a new show at least once every two months πŸ˜‰

We’re heading back to what we started with- midrange shows with up-and-coming bands. It might have been abit of a mistake to start approaching already-known bands (not that I’m not a happy bunny catching WGB and Allura, and being able to say I organized The Fire Fight’s maiden gig), but we really need to focus on helping those really need the help, and would really appreciate it.

I’m really jealous of Lerping’s job at LIME. =( Reviewing food, games and CDs? Damn! I’d love to do that.

Here’s some stuff I’ve been listening to:

Madina Lake

They’re something like lostprophets meets AVA. Screamo Pop in a good, catchy radio friendly way. Saw their live shows on youtube, TIGHT! Love the bassist’s hair. Haha.


Fuckin’ awesome. The Academy Is… meets Avril Lavigne meets Boys Like Girls. Really great rhythm section, tasteful guitars, brilliant vocal melodies. And they’re so bloody young! The drummer is two days older than me. I love how the guitars transition from great rhythmic crunchy parts to mellow clean lead; and how the bass and drums augment that. Learning alot from them.


Lovely husky voice that sweetens out into a beautiful falsetto. Tasteful lyrics, interesting fingerstyle guitar melodies, and she listens to Radiohead. Omgee. She’s going to be playing for Acoustica and I’m really excited. And she stalked me on LJ! Haha. Hello Ling. <33. Now I'm reading my stalker's blog. You should get a MySpace! You'll get alot more famous, alot quicker.

Armchair Critic will be taking a bit of a hiatus for a while because we’ve all been busy with exams and all that. You can still book us for shows if you want; but you won’t be hearing much from us otherwise while we catch up with other things in our lives. The break will do us good =)

Oh, if you’re free this Wednesday afternoon, head on down to Singapore Poly! I’ll be taking over lead singing and frontman duties for Marstar, whose lead singer can’t make it that day. I believe we’re playing at about 4pm. So if you’ve wondered how I’d look as the lead singer of a band, check me out! (and check out the guitarist too, she’s pretty cool =P)

I just realised crossed a thousand views and plays! I haven’t been publicizing it or anything, so it’s quite cool to see the numbers rising. Embarrassing too, cause I sound like shit on those anyhow-recordings. (And a little ego bunny gloats cause it’s more than my bandmates’. Hehe.)

But hey, everybody wins! Holy shit it’s 4:46am. More later or something, I’m not sure what I was going to say but I know there was something. To remind myself-

– I need to get my passport photo taken for TPJC Student Council’s board
– confirm details about Acoustica ticket printing
– go sentosa tomorrow (TODAY) with the gang

Tomorrow’s Tuesday! πŸ˜€

5 thoughts on “sit down it’s just a talk

  1. Anonymous

    I love lostprophets, like,I knew i wass gonna marry ian watkins, the lead singer, since i was 12. yeah. see? trrrruuuee <3.