stuff about me

# I’m left handed. The interesting thing is that I’m not sure if I was meant to be left handed. My right arm’s pull is stronger than my left arm, my left arm’s push is stronger than my right arm. This means that I can lift more with my right but I punch harder with my left. Dribble with my right but shoot hoops with my left. Stuff like that.

# Another interesting thing about that is that I burnt my left hand as a kid playing with fire, so for a period of time I learnt to use my right hand for stuff, making me mildly ambidextrous. I haven’t used the right hand to write in a really long time though, so it’s sort of like primary 3 writing now.

# I have pretty much always been amongst or the most tallest guy around, since kindergarten. I’ve never actually had a “growth spurt” per say, but I more or less stay consistently tall and then stopped.

# I don’t enjoy being tall nearly as much as people think I do. But there are perks, like being able to look over everybody’s heads. This is great in a crowd and brilliant at stuff like rock gigs. It also gets minahs poking you and making stupid jokes and telling you to bend down/grow shorter/carry them/ etc etc etc. Which is kind of annoying. Unless they’re cute. Which is kind of rare.

# There were always undercurrents of music in me when I was a little kid but I never quite realised. My brothers used to blare Guns N Roses and Metallica when I was about 3, so the rock and metal anthems just seemed so damn familiar when I heard them for myself again.

# I was never taught to swim or to ride the bicycle. I find my parents very annoying for that. I can do both very, very horribly and am still in the process of self-learning.

# I was also brought up as a very picky eater. This is very sad because it means that my appetite is nowhere near what it should be and that as a result, I am very skinny.

# Until about two to three years ago, I refused to eat any form of meat other than fish (that’s right, I pretty much never touched chicken until so recently. I remember puking out chicken curry when I was really young.)

# This lack of adventure in my food reflects in the fact that I pretty much always eat fish-related burgers at fast food joints and that I am a vanilla ice-cream person. This is occasionally is starting to change.

# Though recently I’ve grown to love sweet&sour pork or prawns, well-done venison, and hot plate tofu.

# I have never eaten Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, ever. I intend to change that ASAP. I had never eaten A&W waffles or root beer float or whatnot either. I am much saddened by that.

Enough about food eh.
# I used to enjoy playing and watching soccer as a little kid.

# I first picked up basketball from a few friends of my brother’s, but only started playing it semi-regularly after watching the anime Slam Dunk.

# Despite my height, I cannot yet slam dunk. It can’t be too far away though, because I can grab the rims at least.

# I used to watch the animes on AXN obsessively. I can sometimes understand conversational japanese because of that, but it seems to fade with not-watching anime too much.

# I love live music. I believe music is meant to be an interaction between the performer and an audience, of emotion, of feel, and as an art. (Of course, mastering a brilliant record is also an art form, but not nearly as great to me as beautiful live music.)

3 thoughts on “stuff about me

  1. Anonymous

    love! (:

    babyyyyy. every fucking blog has the same entry, do you know how many times i’ve read this !

    like, i got a blog at blogspot, then you did, then i moved t dx, &THEN you did, &told the whole world how great it was &made it sound like you discovered it &then i start elljaying &YOU DOO TOO >=(

    -giggles. but it’s alright πŸ˜€
    join anorexic communities &post your pictures !