Mandatory New Year Post [2011]

2010 was a year of reflection for me, of contemplation, self-assessment, observation, study, understanding, learning.

2011 will be a year of action- of achievement, accomplishment, motion.

I’m starting with a huge de-clutter. I’ve been meaning to do this for months- getting rid of books, CDs and unnecessary junk. I’ve done some preliminary listing already, and will build it up greatly over the next couple of days.

I’m deleting ‘friends’ I don’t recognize from Facebook. I’ve already gotten rid of about 200 people.  I’m instituting a birthday delete plan- every day is somebody’s birthday on Facebook, and if I don’t know the person well enough to wish them a sincere happy birthday, I can delete them without feeling guilty about it.

I’m crafting action plans, which I will share in a bit.

My primary 4 focuses this year are my finances, fitness, reading and writing. Music, drawing and social relationships come close after that. Everything else will take a backseat- I’m focusing on these things first.

I plan to take charge of my social life this year; to actively pursue and nourish the relationships that I believe will be fulfilling and enriching, and to

I plan to be productive, effective, powerful. I’ll be 21 this year. I plan to blaze into adulthood with authority and conviction.

I’ll write some actual posts today after breakfast.

3 thoughts on “Mandatory New Year Post [2011]

  1. Donna

    Me too!! My 2010 was spent thinking about my life, figuring myself out, crying, agonizing and facing fears that I needed to face. This year I plan to get back on track academically and physically as well. Get active with my dancing and stargazing. And to be a more responsible person in general.

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