New Year Resolutions 2011


Save money, reading schedule, blog, smoke less, drink water, journal, build habits, meditate, declutter, play music.


There’s still a month and a half before the new year- I’m going to consider this a sort of grace period, wherein I’m not going to be too hard on myself if I slip up. The idea is to have strict goals to be accomplished come 01/01/2012. (No, the world’s not going to end.)

Finances- I plan to save $2000 by the end of 2011. I am confident of saving $1200- that’s $100/month which I can save from my allowance as an NSF, but the additional $800 will have to come from somewhere else. This will be challenging, and definitely fun and interesting. I will track my expenses religiously.

Personal Study- I have over a hundred books. I need to catalogue these books, and plan a reading schedule. I want to study, absorb, understand, assimilate and share- which I will do on this blog.

Blog at least 3 times a week. Build a bank of posts to draw from. Aim to double my daily hits. Blog more consistently- in short, regular bursts rather than waiting for the grand moment that never comes.

Habits- greatly cut down on smoking. (No more than 2 packs a month?) Sleep early. (Before midnight, unless with good reason.) Quit dehydration. (Bottle of water in bag, water parade every morning!) Keep track of everything- journal every day. Build schedules, routines- conscientious practice for music, writing and drawing. Be more focused and concentrated. Meditate daily. Declutter weekly/monthly.

Fitness- aim to hit 80kg at the end of 2011. Run a sub-10minute 2.4km, and complete 5km and 10km runs in decent times. Learn to swim more effectively, and capitalize on it.

Music- record covers and originals for my YouTube channel. Get a better bass amp to practice with. Practice more often, and more conscientiously. Practice and improve dynamics, strumming, singing technique, chord/scale knowledge, fretboard familiarity.

Declutter- get rid of everything that I don’t need. Sell, if possible, or give away, or throw. Declutter, declutter, declutter. Have a routine/habit- daily, weekly, monthly.

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  1. Pingback: summary of entire blog, part 1 | visakan veerasamy.