Why Singapore [autocomplete]

interesting / recommendations

Why Singapore… Why Singapore is bad Why Singapore is the best place to live Why Singapore is the best Why Singapore is a peaceful country Why Singapore is safe Why Singapore is so awesome Why Singapore is so attractive Why Singapore is so advanced Why Singapore is so Americanized Why Singapore is so boring Why […]

March 10, 2017

Golden Staircase

art and culture

Straits Times – Golden staircase out of step with town council laws https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1134433546668285&set=a.119329988178651.19193.100003049519850&type=3&theater   

March 8, 2017

My NS experience

National Service

Originally written for Fever Avenue, in January 2012.  I’ve had some pretty unique opportunities in my life to experience things that not all of my peers do. (I’m not sure how unique that makes me- I don’t know as much about others as I’d like to, because not everybody is as vocal about their individual […]

March 7, 2017