no chain, no gain

(Original title: Gamification, the power of chains and combos) Chains and combos are strings of actions or events that flow sm

SS01: Defining ‘Education’

The meaning of schools and education has changed over time. We tend to think of education in a limited sense- go to an academi

“hello! Just wanted to tell you that I love your blog! I love its ingenuity, creativity, eloquence, and maturity! Singap

Things To Do [2012]

This is it. No more hiding, no more cowering in fear. This is the post- or the series of posts, the system and the philosophy

seeking creative states

I have a problem- or a challenge, if you will. A situation where the status quo is undesirable, and it is as follows- I can

Gamifying Education + Can We Make People Care?

Games People Play It’s interesting to listen to what people talk about: girls talking about fashion, boys talking about

The Path Of A Double Pendulum

Look at that. Isn’t that beautiful? Doesn’t it look chaotic, and yet strangely elegant? This is the path of a doub

7sins: Envy

(image courtesy of blackeri) What is lust? Lust is fundamentally about conquest. Nobody lusts after what they already have.

BMT Recourse

There was an interesting thing that happened when I was supposed to go for BMT recourse. I didn’t have all the items I n

“Losers have goals, winners have systems”, by Scott Adams

“The other day I put on my workout clothes and drove to the gym. But when I arrived I didn’t feel like working out

xav on me being kind in conflict

“It’s fun to be wrong, especially if the person taking you down does so professionally on a nice practice mat, ins

The Death And Life Of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs

I borrowed this one from a friend who’s interested in architecture. I didn’t completely appreciate it as I was fli

The Black Swan, by Nassim Taleb

This is one of those life-changers. It doesn’t work as a casual read, because it’s most likely going to challenge

Didn’t make it to leadership school? Build your own!

I had a class reunion the other day and I got to talk to one of my classmates who completed his national service as a commissi

2012 review – it’ll never be perfect so just do it

I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I

How to live, and other final 2011 thoughts

I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I


I didn’t want to do anything for new year’s. I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, because lately I