How My Mind Works: Mind Explosion

Every once in a while- and these moments are exceptional, rare and intense- I have what I might describe as a mind explosion.

John Mayer, on life.

I wish that when I was younger I could have met my current self. We would have sat down at a coffee shop so that I could expla

for you

I post this here because I don’t want to make a big scene about it, and because I think you read this. Don’t talk

Questions 16 and 26

As requested by Bianca! q16. How come the things that make you happy donā€™t make everyone happy? That’s an interesting

Question & Answer Time!

A friend posted these questions on her blog without expecting any answers, and I liked them so much I couldn’t help but

Diminishing the nicotine dependence.

I have to confess that I haven’t completely quit smoking. I do still often go several days without smoking, and I no lon

Awesome Quotes from Margaret Mead

SEGMENTING LIFEGAME = BULLSHIT “It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhoo

the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life

is to face up to myself. Because all my charm, persuasiveness, eloquence and wit is worthless against someone who is capable o

Wouldn’t it be nice if

Everybody who read anybody else’s blog were obligated and/or compelled to leave some form of acknowledgement? I imagine

On fearlessness, andĀ enemies

If victory is the notion of no enemy, then the whole world is a friend. The true warrior is not like a person carrying a sword


On binging, andĀ moderation.

I want to talk about binging. We all know that too much of anything isn’t very good. Excessive beer, cigarettes, food, e

check out my kickass wealth of knowledge

look at that badass motherfucker